Proposal Submission

Proposal Submission is Now Closed


The International Neuromodulation Society invites members to submit proposals for plenary and breakout sessions and lectures for its 15th World Congress, which will take place in Barcelona, Spain on 1-6 May 2021.

The Congress program, “Neuromodulation: From Scientific Theory to Revolutionary Therapy,” will be organized in accordance with EACCME and ACCME guidelines and will further the INS’s educational mission to promote improvement in patient health care by providing physicians and allied health care professionals with high quality, evidence-based educational content focusing on advances in the field of neuromodulation; basic, translational and clinical research; new technology; and global health care. The overarching goals are to enhance learners’ knowledge, competence and performance to improve patient access, selection, safety and clinical outcomes.

The Scientific Program Chairs and Biennial Congress Scientific Committee are particularly interested in proposals featuring basic science, mechanisms of action, and biomedical engineering, and will consider the full breadth of neuromodulation-related topics as follows:

1. Basic Science of Neuromodulation
2. Neuroprosthetics and Neural Engineering
3. Socioeconomics of Neuromodulation

4a. Brain: Movement Disorders
4b. Brain: Psychiatric Disorders
4c. Brain: Epilepsy
4d. Brain: Neurorehabilitation
4e. Brain: Non-Invasive Stimulation
4f. Brain: Computer Interface / Artificial Intelligence

5a. Spinal Cord: Pain
5b. Spinal Cord: Intrathecal Drug Delivery for Pain
5c. Spinal Cord: Spasticity
5d. Spinal Cord: Functional Restoration
5e. Spinal Cord: Cardiovascular

6a. Peripheral Nerve: Headache
6b. Peripheral Nerve: Pain
6c. Peripheral Nerve: Gastrointestinal
6d. Peripheral Nerve: Genitourinary
6e. Peripheral Nerve: Systemic Disease

The new submission deadline is: 30 March 2020

Note: This is not a call for abstracts. We shall inform you once the abstract submission system has opened; the abstract deadline will be 3 November 2020.

We thank you for your consideration and hope you will participate in the creation of our scientific program.

Looking forward to receiving your proposal,

Elliot S. Krames, MD
Co-Chair, INS Congress Scientific Program

Fabian C. Piedimonte, MD
Co-Chair, INS Congress Scientific Program


Please read the following requirements before submitting proposals:

  • The submitter should seek and receive the acceptance of every speaker and of the chairs in their session prior to submission.
  • Only the submitter will receive notification of the final Scientific Committee decision, and he/she is responsible to communicate the result to all other chairs and speakers.
  • Please be advised that each lecture/presentation in a session is judged individually and the review committee may accept specific lectures/presentations and not necessarily the whole session as submitted.
  • Please click here and check the Session and Lecture Proposal Instructions before submitting your proposal.
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