Nurses and Allied Health Professionals’ Workshop
An Interactive Workshop for Nurses and Allied Health Professionals
The Patient Journey to Neuromodulation
Date: Tuesday 24, May 2022
Time: 09:30 – 12:30
Please join your fellow nursing and allied health colleagues for a lively and interactive discussion on the management of patients throughout their journey to Neuromodulation, highlighting patient selection, assessment and complication management.
The workshop will be conducted as a set of presentations and small breakout groups with emphasis on interactive participation with and by the attendees.
A Spanish translator will be attending this session to translate the Q&A sections of this session into Spanish as needed.
The panelists and speakers can assist with language barriers – We have French, Spanish, German and Dutch speakers!

Caro Edelbroek, The Netherlands
Caro has been a nurse Practitioner since 10 years, specialized in neuromodulation and scientific work. experience in SCS with all companies and techniques. Special interest in patients with chronic pain and psychological factors.
Caro Edelbroek, The Netherlands

Rachel Whipp, Australia
Rachel works as a Pain Management Nurse with Hunter Pain Specialists for the past 8 years, managing patients dealing with chronic pain issues and providing education for fellow health professionals on chronic pain. She thoroughly enjoys the challenges that her role brings and especially satisfaction that improved patient outcomes bring. She has extensive experience with neuromodulation therapy and was actively involved in the formation of a Nursing/Allied Health special interest group for neuromodulation, AHNNISG (Allied Health and Nursing Neuromodulation Special Interest Group). She is the current President of AHNNSIG and works hard to develop educational content for conferences, workshops and peer to peer programs.
Rachel Whipp, Australia

Rebecca Kennedy, Australia
Rebecca joined Dr Marc Russo’s team at Hunter Pain Specialists in 2011 after 18 years of acute care nursing. She has a passion for chronic pain management, neuromodulation and patient education, and was fundamental in the development of a formal Peer to Peer program for nurses across Australia which allows nurses to access peer support and further education through Hunter Pain Specialists. Rebecca has presented at various professional conferences with the most recent being the International Neuromodulation Society Meeting in Sydney in 2019. She played a key role in the development of AHNNSIG (Allied Health and Nursing Neuromodulation Special Interest Group) of which she is a current board member.
Rebecca Kennedy, Australia

Phyllis McPhillips, Germany
Phyllis is a pain nurse working in the university hospital in Düsseldorf for 5 years. Before that she worked in the same hospital as a surgical nurse mainly in the neurosurgery operation room but also in different departments. Her main work is to look after our patients with a stimulation (during trial, Follow ups after implant) and also patient with a pain/spasticity pump.
Phyllis McPhillips, Germany

Karen Sanderson, UK
Karen has worked in the field of chronic pain management at Guys’ & St Thomas Foundation Trust for the past 25 years. She has specialised in neuromodulation for the last 15 years as an Implant co coordinator and latterly a Nurse Consultant. During this time, she has been involved in developing new technologies and worked within research to provide evidence for various treatment modalities, including double blinded research trials in neuromodulation.
Karen Sanderson, UK

Sylvie Crelerot, France
Sylvie (RN, MSN,NA) is a clinical nurse specialized in pain centers in France and Switzerland. After 17 years of experience in anesthesia, she is now involved in chronic pain. Passionate about chronic pain management, neuromodulation and the coordination of complex care pathways, she is involved with nurses in the home for the maintenance of painful patients with analgesia techniques. Committed to the training and promotion of nursing expertise in neuromodulation, she works with her colleagues to optimize patient care paths in neuromodulation.
Sylvie Crelerot, France

Jenny Jennings, UK
Jenny is the Team Leader of the Chronic Pain and Neuromodulation Service for Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust, UK. She leads a team of nursing staff to manage our large neuromodulation service, where they implant 200 Spinal Cord Stimulators a year and have an Intrathecal pump service. She has a real passion for neuromodulation and the difference it can make to patients’ lives. Jenny has been a Pain Nurse Specialist for 14 years and specifically in Chronic Pain and Neuromodulation for 7 years. She is really looking forward to be presenting in the nursing and allied health professionals session at INS Barcelona and is also really excited about the program for the conference, there are some fantastic topics that she is sure would really be of great interest for all involved in Neuromodulation.
Jenny Jennings, UK
General Structure of the Program
09:30 – 09:45 Welcome and Introductions
9:45 – 10:00 Group formation for workshop & case studies distributed
10:00 – 11:00 Groups discuss case studies
11:00 – 11:25 Coffee Break
11:30 – 11:45 Groups prepare presentations
11:45 – 12:15 Speaker from each group presents findings from case study
12:15 – 12:30 Session close