Proposal Guidelines

Proposal Guidelines


I. Organizer Information

A. The organizer of the proposed session or lecture must provide the following:

  1. Full name and professional details (title, institution name)
  2. Contact information (mailing address, mobile number, email)
  3. A current CV
  4. Proof of current INS membership
  5. Industry relationship / conflict of interest disclosure
          Note: Employees of commercial interests (i.e. device or pharmaceutical companies) may not participate in the development or presentation of CME scientific          content.

II. Session Details

Plenary lectures and debates shall range from 20 to 30 minutes in length, depending on the number of speakers and format.

Breakout Sessions shall be 90 minutes in length and shall consist of 15-minute presentations, followed by a 15-minute discussion.

Please provide the following:

A. Proposed session or lecture title

B. Session chair’s and each speaker’s professional and contact details
(full name, degree, title, institution name, city, state/province, country, email, mobile number). Session chair must be an INS member.

C. Title of each speaker’s presentation
Please use only generic device and pharmaceutical names in your proposal and avoid the use of company and product names.

D. Brief description of each presentation and the professional practice gap being addressed

A professional practice gap is the difference between actual and ideal knowledge, skills, competence, practice, performance or patient outcomes. When there is a gap or disparity between what the professional is doing or accomplishing compared to what is “achievable on the basis of current professional knowledge,” there is a professional practice gap.

Example: The practice gap is the difference between neuromodulation therapies/techniques that are being used on patients with chronic pain, and what new therapies/techniques can be applied to improve physicians’ skills or competence and patient care for chronic pain.

(Source: ACCME Criteria and ACCME Standards for Commercial Support)

E. Three (3) educational objectives with desired results. Example:

1. Objective:

Upon completion of the session, delegates will be able to discuss new scientific data and clinical guidelines to improve patient selection and treatment outcomes for neuromodulation.

2. Desired Results:

Increased knowledge of the latest scientific data and clinical guidelines to enable clinicians to: make appropriate, informed decisions when selecting patients for neuromodulation therapies; select the proper therapies; and implant and manage the devices to improve treatment outcomes.

F. Two (2) references from current literature to support this topic.

III. Proposals should meet the following criteria:

  • All the recommendations involving clinical medicine in a CME activity must be based on evidence that is accepted within the profession of medicine as adequate justification for their indications and contraindications in the care of patients.
  • All scientific research referred to, reported or used in CME in support or justification of a patient care recommendation must conform to the generally accepted standards of experimental design, data collection and analysis.
  • The content or format of a CME activity or its related materials must promote improvements or quality in healthcare and not a specific proprietary business interest of a commercial interest.
  • Presentations must give a balanced view of therapeutic options and may not contain any messaging or logos from commercial interests. Use of generic names will contribute to this impartiality.
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