Invited Speakers’ and Oral Poster Presenters’ Guidelines and Instructions
Please find below some important and useful information for your presentation.
Important notes:
- MAC users may need to delete the .pps extension on the downloaded pptx templates to make them editable.
- The presentation system at the congress does not support PowerPoint Presenter mode, please make separate written notes if necessary.
In order to allow the recording and subsequent broadcast and distribution of your presentation through the password-protected INS / Congress website, we kindly request that you sign the Recording and Publication Consent Form if you have not already done so. If you have still to complete the form, please contact and request login information to access the publication consent form.
As our Scientific Program Committee must review your slides prior to the congress to identify and resolve any conflicts of interest, you should have received an email requesting you to send in the following:
- Your presentation slides (including your disclosure slide – click here for a sample slide deck template) for review.
- Invited Faculty members: Faculty Verification of CME Independence and Content Validity & Statement of Educational Objectives Form (click here)
Please note: This is in addition to bringing your slides onsite to the Speakers’ Ready Room on a USB.
Oral Poster Presenters
Each oral poster presenter will be allowed 8 minutes of lecture time, 8 slides and a 2-minute question and answer period. (The title, financial relationship and reference slides are not included in the 8-slide limit.) Please note: all oral poster presenters should also prepare a paper poster for display and are welcome to create an ePoster as well (click here for paper poster and ePoster instructions).
Slides must not contain commercial messaging, nor company / product logos.
First Slide:
Please disclose all relevant financial relationships and any conflicts of interest, including the company name, the nature of the relationship (i.e., your role), and what was received (e.g., “honorarium”). You are required to display this first slide for at least 30 seconds from the podium to allow enough time for the audience to review and digest it. If you have nothing to disclose, this slide must be included indicating “Nothing to disclose”. Please click here to download a template of the disclosure slide.
First Slide – Disclosure Slide Example

Second Slide:
Prepare your presentation with a title slide which includes the following information:
- Title of your presentation
- Your name and credentials (for example: MD, PhD, MBBS, RN)
- Your professional title
- Your institution or company
- Your city and country
Please click here to download a template of the title slide.
Click here if you wish to use the general INS 2022 slide deck template for your presentation.
Instructions for Transparency and Disclosure
Please disclose all relevant financial relationships, including the company name, the nature of the relationship (i.e., your role), and what was received (e.g., “honorarium”) by you, an immediate family member, spouse or partner within the past three (3) years, and the corresponding amounts in US Dollars. Where the value is potential, the percentage of the total stock options should be declared. If you have no conflicts, simply state, “No conflicts of interest.” You will be required to display this slide for at least 30 seconds from the podium to allow enough time for the audience to review and digest the information.
e.g. Scientific Advisory Board: GSK – $20,000; Pfizer – $500
Any off-label use of products or therapies must also be disclosed.
Please contact if you need any assistance.